How to get Google Adsense account approved faster that is within 72 hours?
How to get a google Adsense approval within 72 hours means three days.
It sounds impossible? But not strange so you should just follow this article carefully.
In the past getting a Google Adsense account was very easy but now it has been difficult for new blogs being launched today, but don't worry we are together.
Getting a Google Adsense account is the dream of every blogger, every blogger struggles to get a Google Adsense account but only a few things keep them out from achieving their dreams.
And every blogger would like to get a Google Adsense to his or her blog faster so in this article I will explain how to get a Google Adsense to account More quickly in just three days i.e. 72 Hours only after following the instructions I give you in this article.
To get a Google Adsense account your blog or website must have the following important things. How to get a google Adsense account quickly within three days?.
Before we start you should follow all the features I have mentioned here without violating any because everything I mentioned here is calculated by Google Adsense so you should follow them.
Do this to get a Google account within three days
1. Minimum Posts / Article/page.
To get a Google Adsense to account your blog must have at least 30 posts that the original has not copied elsewhere because we brainstorm on Copy & Paste issues we are striving for, So you should not copy other parts. Quality content is vital, the first is one of the most important things to do when trying to get Google AdSense approval, in my opinion. Easy to read, you need to make sure you have quality content on your site. Don't copy and paste even part of another site because google Adsense measures the percentage of plagiarism on an article even 1% you will be counted copied an article.

Some people think that it does not matter, but it does because Google now ensures that the sites it endorses are not just a bunch of junk content or people copying and pasting content from other sites.
You want to make sure they are generally kept away from their search results, so if you try to narrow them down, forget about it. You will not be approved for Google AdSense.
Just make sure you have quality content on your site. You can read Google's Publisher Policies to understand what Google thinks is good.
Google wants good results in its search engine results pages. If you do not even have quality content, chances are you will be rejected.
They will not generate revenue from your site because they know that if they do not, you will probably not make any money and will probably give up.
2. Do not place any other ads on your site.
Before you apply for Google Adsense, make sure your blog does not contain any ads (banner ad, text ad). Remove other ads when applying
Here's a little tip: if you continue to be rejected and do not know why reto move any ads you already have on your site.
Although Google states in its Terms of Service that it is perfectly acceptable to use other ad networks in conjunction with Google AdSense, IF YOU APPLY, SOMEONE WILL CHECK YOUR SITE.
When they see a ton of ads appearing everywhere, they can simply say, “You know what? This site is already some sort of spam. They already have a lot of ads, so we will not do them because they have already been approved by these other kids. Once you've completed the application process, simply remove the ads for the three to five days it takes Google to approve them. Once approved, you can create other ad networks.
3. Appearance of your Blog / Website.
Before you can apply Google Adsense you need your blog to have a good template look that is easy for the reader and not to forget Site Map. Just make sure you have something that looks decent. It can be very minimal breasts. You do not need to have many images as long as they are organized and look like a website. This does not mean that you should buy premium themes, but you want to make sure your site looks great. Make sure your site has all the bells and whistles so that when you visit it does not look like a bunch of jumbled old-fashioned HTML code from the '90s, which is concentrated where it is hard to look.
4. Google Analytics code.
Put Google analytics codes on your blog or website This is one of the ways that you can get a Google Adsense account and also don't forget Alexa Rank.
5. Place these important pages.
One of the mistakes that many bloggers make is to overlook an important page in their blogs, which leads them to have their application terminated, so before applying for Google Adsense you need to set up the following pages:
1. Privacy Policy
2. Terms of usage
3. Disclaimer Policy
4. Contact Us
5. About Us
Create information and contact pages. When you create a website and have an Information and Contact page before you apply for Google AdSense. It's very simple why? When Google examines your site, it wants to make sure it is legitimate, so it wants to know who is behind the site.
Create a privacy policy page, make sure you have created a privacy policy page. It's an incident that people have because they say, "I do not know what to put in the privacy policy." Honestly, you can google and find a ton of different generators. The most important thing to know is that Google requires specific wording in your privacy policy.
This link explains everything Google AdSense has to say about its privacy policy, including the language we want you to include in yours. It is very easy; You just have to copy and paste it.
6 . Create 15-30 high-quality posts.
Number six returns to quality content. Before you even apply for Google AdSense, you need to have 10-15 quality posts on your site to make sure that Google knows you are taking it seriously and that your site has revenue streams.
Generally, you want 10,000 to 15,000 words on your site. If you have about 1000-1500 words per article, this is a very good number. This will help you get approved, as it will show the voice of your site and help Google understand the quality of your content, which is very important.
7 . Verify that the content of the site is not included in the restricted list.
Number seven is something that some people probably do not think about before creating a website. In other words, YOU must ensure that your content is not on the restricted list. Yes, Google AdSense has a limited list. If you have a website and your content is limited, say goodbye to AdSense. It's just the reality of the situation.
Generally, you are not allowed to have anything sexual and you can not have anything shocking, such as murder, terrorism, explosives, guns, tobacco, recreational drugs, selling alcohol, online gambling, prescription drugs and drugs without permission or food or Medications or unapproved supplements have recently been added, in my opinion. If you have a health-oriented website that contains these various nutritional supplements that may be unchecked or a bit fragmented, Google AdSense may reject you.
8 Do not use copyrighted images.
Do not use copyrighted images. I can not stress it enough. If you took a picture directly from Google and put it on your site, never do it again.
There are usage rights that protect photographers who work hard to combine these images. They have to be paid for their work. If you just go to Google, take a picture and show it, Google AdSense will probably show up and see what you did and say, "No, we're not going to approve of you because these are not even your pictures."
It's not a legal art to do things, so be careful not to do it. If you sit down and say, "Well, I do not have much money for photos" or "I do not know where to find photos", I use two different sources. The first is completely free and is called
The latter costs money but has many different images that you can get at a fairly reasonable price if you follow a monthly schedule. This is If you are interested, you can click on this link and go straight there to see what they have.
9 Note that (sometimes) the age of the site matters.
It does not apply everywhere, but I had to include it here. Sometimes the age of your site matters.
It's not a big deal in the USA and many other countries, but Google has specifically appealed to experts in China and India that you should have your sites at least six months before you apply to Google AdSense. I think they did this because they created a lot of misleading websites and promoted them in the Google search results ecosystem.
They do not like the way people try to play the system. If you are also in one of these two countries, wait six months. If not here's a new product just for you!
11 Make sure your site is not blocked.
Make sure your site is not blocked. Sure, who built a website from scratch and bought the new domain whenever THEY are not worried about it (unless they have already said they have been blocked by Google AdSense). But if not, and you bought a site or a domain name, chances are your site has already been blocked by Google AdSense. This is something worth exploring. Again, there is a site called where you can check if you have been blocked by Google. Usually, most sites are not, but it's worth checking out.
12 Have clean navigation on the site.
Make sure the site navigation is clean. To most people, this is a retrospective. You will probably say, "Of course, I have clear navigation." But sometimes websites do not do this or not everything they use is very clear. This is a problem as it does not give any validity to the site itself. Make sure your main site navigation is easy and accessible.
13 Make sure you are over 18 years old.
The number 13 is to make sure you are of legal age. Google AdSense requires you to be at least 18 years old to have an account. When you fill out an application to sign up for AdSense, you will be asked for your birthday. If you are under 18, you do not have permission to create an AdSense account. However, this does not mean that you can not do it. If you are under 18 and you are great, keep doing what you do. Well done for starting so early.
To fix it, you just need to ask a parent or guardian to add their name to it. Remember that the checks are done on this person and not on you, also make sure it is from someone you trust.
Before applying for Google Adsense you should follow all the features I have mentioned above without violating any because everything I mentioned here is calculated by Google Adsense so you should follow them. If you have any issue related to Google AdSense approval please comment below or follow us on our social media where we give tips on how to get google AdSense fast.