How to increase audience engagement on your website?
Many bloggers and content writers ask this question, how can I increase audience engagement on my website or content. If you are the one asking this question, keep with me you are in the right place.
For any blogger or contents creator to create more audience engagement articles you have to understand a few things that will make your articles more attractive and draw audience attention and therefore increase their engagement with your articles.
First of all, let's know what is "more audience engagement content"? This is content that makes the readers or visitors of your website or blog pay attention to who you are writing and as the result they find themselves spending a substantial time within it. This also includes the go and return to websites by the audience. For an article to be audience engaged, there are some things you have to make on both your blog and content.
(a) website or blog design and layout
(b) Content quality
Let's see how and what makes your audience get engaged in your website or blog from the above two points.
1 Design.
This refers to how your contents and blog in general appear to your readers. How your content is structured in your blog? How your blog is designed? So when you're creating a blog inputting content on it for more audience engagement then think first about the design of your blog and content. You can learn by visiting various successful websites to see how the websites and contents are designed to attract and hold the audience.
2 Content clarity.
Content clarity is how your content hit on the reality and requirements of your audience. How your content gives or beats the audience's needs in terms of description and understanding. How do your articles make the audience understand easier the topic? This will make your audience more engaged in your articles. So when you are creating an article think about clarity.
3 Contents depth.
How far do you go deep in explaining the topic you are talking about. When writing an article try to explain deeply the topic by including all the required information. This will make your audience get interested in your articles since it gives them their needs in-depth. So when you explain the topic in deep, the audience will be trapped to spend time getting their requirements from your audience.
4 Useful contents.
Useful content means the articles you are writing about can be put into practice. Before you start writing articles think about the topic you are writing, can it be put into practice? Can the audience read, understand and apply to solving their problem? For example, if you are writing about how to create a blog, so make sure you make the audience understand how to create a blog at the end of your lesson.
5 Presentation of your contents.
This refers to how and what approach you apply to present the topic to the audience. A good approach will trap the audience to read and get engaged in your articles. You can use videos instead of audio or you can use short descriptions instead of narrating a full story. If you narrate a full story your audience will get discouraged because it does not hit directly the key problem or requirement of the audience.
6 Create more interesting content.
Useful content plus a good presentation will make your content more interesting. Yes, you are talking about a certain topic but also make it more interesting by using simple and attractive language. Don't include more complex vocabulary in your articles. The audience has no time to look at a dictionary when reading your content. So if you include complex language your article will be difficult to understand and the audience will never spend time on it.
7 Communicate your favourite products.
Don't always write what you don't know. Just write what you know and try to explain it deeply by gathering all information and because it is your field of knowledge try to give all of your best to your audience. This will help you much to overcome your competitors.
8 Talk about your reality.
Don't talk deceptive stories but stick to a real story of your success or failures. Talking about your own real story will make your audience more attention and will understand the topic well. Always people prefer real and personal witnesses. Tell them how you succeeded or tell them how you failed. This will hold them until the end of your story.
9 Do updates.
To get much engagement from the audience on your website does not mean only to spent time on your blog. The go and come into your blog is also a great engagement. Make the audience return to your blog. You can return the audience to your blog by posting regular updates. They come back because they know always they get what they need in your articles.
10 Website speed.
The speed of your website is also a great thing to consider. The higher speed will make the audience more interested to visit your articles. Make your website with high speed to make the audience get on time that they need.
11 Mobile-friendly content.
Your articles must be friendly to mobile users, most of the website visitors are using mobile so make sure you put on your articles compatible with mobile use.
12 Easy navigation.
How does the audience find a path to walk throughout your website? How does the audience get access to what you put in your blog? Good website navigation is a shortcut to every corner of your blog. In your blog include the home page on which other pages and topics are found. Put also other pages like about us, contact and others to make the audience easy to find easy their need.
13 Allow sharing of your articles.
Make your articles sharable by the audience. Put basic parts on your blog to enable sharing of your articles with friends and others to increase audience engagement on your website.
Increasing audience engagement on your blog, you should therefore focus on the website design and content quality. Sure these two things will change the audience engagement.
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