What is google adsense?

 What is Google AdSense?

 This is an advertising program that was launched in mid-2003 by Google and is currently the most popular advertising program on the Internet. 

 It offers to webmasters and site owners a great opportunity to monetize their traffic: Every year, Google pays over $10 billion to its publishers. 

 If You Have Wondered "What is AdSense and How Can I Make Money With AdSense?", the Following Article Will Give You Some Tips.

 I am a Google Adsense user for the past 4 years or more, through AdSense, I have been able to earn a living in various ways, like house building and operating other businesses through that income only.

 Most people like to join Adsense and others joined and because they were not careful, they got frustrated or even some have their accounts closed due to violating several terms of google AdSense, I was also, was suspended by google Adsense about 3 times and I lost more than $ 2300.

 This is a short lesson for those who like to join AdSense or who have joined but want to make more profit.

 What is Google Adsense?

 Google AdSense is Google's advertising system that enables one to advertise his products. The cost of advertising the products is 68% paid to the website or blog owner. 

 website or blog owners benefit from AdSense ads appearing on their blogs or websites.
 In simple language, we can call PPC Pay Per Click, Pay by Click or CPC cost per click this means when one touches on the relevant ad, the blogger owner gets 68% of the revenue earned by google advertising the products and the one whose products are advertised on google is the one who pays the cost.

 I have many blogs that I have connected to  Google AdSense,
 If you go to those blogs you will see ads that look like those posts but I have not posted and I do not know who is the advertiser of those ads.

 How do you join Adsense?

 Adsense is a property of Google you must  have an email address
 Gmail which is google or other that will allow you to access and register Adsense easily but it is a must be registered on google.

 How is the registration?

 Visit Adsense after you register it takes 24 hours up to 15 days your website or blog will be checked for compliance with Google terms and conditions such as language, images, content, colours and copyrights.
 When you sign up you are given a special CODE that you can put on the pages to display the ads on your website or blog for starting advertising.

 When I say language I mean use languages ​​that are acceptable to Adsense such as English, French and other international languages
 You should probably not mix it up with an unacceptable language and if your blog or website has a bad or unacceptable image it will not be approved, its colours should be good not to interfere with the interests of advertising.

Note and dot copy and paste articles and check the ownership of what you post on plagiarism checker tools.

 After 15 days what happens?

 After 15 days you will receive an email if you have been accepted or rejected if rejected you can look at what you did wrong and correct and reapply. 


 How are you paid?

 Depending on which payment system you choose, there are about 3 systems best known.

 a) Check - This method was used more in the past even now for some countries and those interested, for those in Africa it takes a day 7 to get your check there you will be deducted 17 euros for shipping. Check it out, then you need to add a check to your bank account where it takes 21 days or more to pay  -  other banks do not accept these checks so they may refuse, as if approved the bank will deduct the amount to process the check.

 b) Bank Transfer - This method is also good but there is a certain amount you are cut off for transferring money from one country to another through banks and not all banks have this service and are interdependent and the amount of money sent if it is too small can be tedious a little.

 c) Western union - This is the best and fastest most of the time is paid at the end of each following month if you received $ 600 a month you will receive it at the end after the calculations are completed and after-tax cuts and other important issues.


 1 - Other Advertising Services, Because Adsense is Pay Per Click
 it is best not to place other PPC ads because they will interfere with  Adsense interests may be banned or placed on other services that may impair Adsense advertising services.

 2 - Forcing people to click or do it yourself, you do not have to force people to hit ads to add to it or for a purpose of raising revenue or an income, let them look and decide for themselves, your job should be to post quality contents or enough information on your blog or website that attracts people and contents will attract more people to visit. Contents will attract and market your website to people.


 That number one is the first and most importantly the other is Language.
Google adsense terms and conditions

 copyright, dirty images and beautiful colours on your pages will make the ads look better.

 How to earn high safely with google Adsense terms?

 Depending on the type of your blog and the content but the blog or website to earn more than $ 15 a day, should at least have more than 3,000 thousand one-day visitors, visiting from the countries with high CPC like the USA and Europe. Developing and clicking from European countries are the ones with the money and enabling better pay than African countries.


 Advertising through AdSense is easy and your money goes legitimately and easy from your budget if you plan to advertise for 1 lakh per month and you want your ad to be seen only in a specific location let say USA only. Then through AdSense that is possible if you want it to appear for only the English language and appear in japan or Korea, you can determine and achieve this through AdSense.

 If you are a marketer you do not need to worry about finding a blog or website to place your advertisement.

 A great website to advertise your products where they can be more expensive and getting space is limited, consider Adsense to work.


 It depends on your plans but Adsense is not as reliable if you do not follow the procedures you may be suspended but if you follow the conditions and stay with it well can be the job that pays you well and make your life go smoothly.


 People now use cell phones and other gadgets for visiting websites and blogs is not must be on a computer as in the past, as it was.

 The AdSense user is prepared for that make sure your ads are light and can be seen or read by people who use mobile phones. If you observed all these, you will get paid adequately without any inconvenience.

 If you would like to know more about Adsense and further support you can write an email or comment below.

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